De "L'última nit de Boris Grushenko", estranya traducció de "Love and Death" de Woody Allen, podem gaudir no només d'unes quantes bones frases sobre l'amor, el sexe i la mort, sinó també d'una mítica escena a imitació del millor cinema mut de començaments de segle XX:
- Sex without love is an empty experience.
- Yes, but as empty experiences go, it's one of the best.
- How many lovers do you have?
- In the midtown area?
- Leonid, I know I could have been a better wife to you.
Kinder. I could have made love with you more often.
- Or once, even.
- Once would have been nice.
- You're disgusting, but I love you.
- Well, my disgustingness is my best feature.
- How long has it been since you've made love to a woman?
- What's today? Monday, Tuesday... Two years.
- Two years. You do remember how?
- Well, if you start me, it'll all come back.
- You're the greatest lover I've ever had.
- Well, I practise a lot when I'm alone.
- Sonja, do you even know what love means?
- There are many different kinds of love, Boris.
There's love between a man and a woman.
Love between a mother and a son...
- Two women. Let's not forget my favourite.
- Regarding love... You know, what can you say?
It's not the quantity of your sexual relations that count.
It's the quality. On the other hand, if the quantity drops
below once every eight months, I would definitely look into it.
2 comentaris:
Hahahaha, molt bons diàlegs. Et pots creure que mai no he vist una pel·li de Woody Allen? Amb els clàssics del cine em passa sempre que tinc por de vore'ls per si no m'agraden (que és el que sol ocórrer). Algun dia m'hi posaré amb l'obra d'este home.
Comença per "Annie Hall" o per "Manhattan". Jo les vaig veure per primera vegada a la teua edat i des de llavors no me n'he pogut desenganxar d'Allen.
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